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Achieve healthy, restorative sleep

Sleep Medicine and CBT-Insomnia: Services


We offer diagnostic evaluation and treatment services for sleep disorders, including:


After an initial consultation, a treatment plan including potential sleep testing will be coordinated. Follow-up visits are provided to review results, track progress and provide further recommendations and support.

Sleep Medicine and CBT-Insomnia: Text


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is a short-term, non-drug treatment for insomnia to help you fall and stay asleep more easily, sleep more restfully, and feel more restored during the daytime.  The approach is empirically-supported, and may have longer lasting results than sleep medications with less adverse health consequences, such as dependence or side effects.

CBT-I involves several components that are tailored to fit your own unique patterns, preferences, and needs.  After your intake appointment, we will monitor and get to know your patterns that disrupt or promote healthy sleep.  You may be asked to complete a sleep diary. During treatment, you will be guided in applying research-supported strategies shown to reduce insomnia.  Additional skills-training to lower daytime stress and modulate physiological arousal can also assist with getting healthier sleep and may be integrated into your CBT-I treatment. This could include relaxation training, biofeedback, mindfulness, and other practical tools.

We also offer limited services for conditions that inter-mingle with insomnia, for instance, depression, anxiety, bipolar, substance use, chronic pain, and other sleep disorders. The length of treatment depends on a number of factors, but CBT-I generally takes 4-8 sessions.  Some cases, such as those with other mental health conditions, might benefit from a more integrated approach or a longer treatment length.

Sleep Medicine and CBT-Insomnia: Text
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