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Call for current rates.


A limited number of sliding scale slots are reserved for those who would be otherwise unable to afford services. Let us know if this applies to you.



​We are currently participating in the following networks. The list below is not a guarantee of coverage with your specific plan.


  • Aetna PPO

  • Anthem Blue Cross PPO

  • Blue Shield  PPO

  • Cigna PPO

  • Healthnet PPO

  • Magellan

  • Medicare

  • Mental Health Network (MHN)

  • Tricare

  • United Health Care PPO


If you are using insurance, you must determine the details of your coverage (e.g. deductible, copay, etc.) prior to your visit.  We are not participating as providers for any other health insurance plans or HMOs.  If you have out-of-network PPO benefits, services are rendered and charged to the patient in full, and not to the insurance company.  This means that, upon request, we can provide you with an invoice and billing codes (Superbill) that you may submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. 


Payment is due at the time a service is rendered or a charge is incurred.



In order to value and respect the time of our doctors and all of our patients, we require notification in advance of 24 business hours if you will be unable to make your scheduled appointment time. If it's less than 24 business hours of notice, and we are not informed beforehand that you'll miss your appointment due to something we both agree was an emergency (e.g. physical illness), you will incur a charge up to the full cost of the missed session.  


You may contact us by phone during business hours, or through the patient portal, to cancel your appointment.




For more information, call (760) 650-2290.

Rates and Insurance: Services
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